User & App Information

Make sure you are logged in before attempting to obtain user & app information.

// User Information
echo "Username: " . $_SESSION["username"] . "<br>";
echo "Expire: " . $_SESSION["expiry"] . "<br>";
echo "Level: " . $_SESSION["level"] . "<br>";
echo "User ID: " . $_SESSION["userid"] . "<br>";
echo "Google 2FA Code: " . $_SESSION["g2fa"] . "<br>";
// App Information
echo "Active API's: " . $_SESSION["activeapis"] . "<br>";
echo "User Count: " . $_SESSION["usercount"] . "<br>";
echo "API Count: " . $_SESSION["apicount"] . "<br>";
echo "App Name: " . $_SESSION["appname"] . "<br>";
echo "App Description: " . $_SESSION["appdesc"] . "<br>";

If you are a owner of the application & trying to get the expire date of your account you will get ( 1970-01-01 00:00:00 ) but any real users on your app will be able to see their actual expire date.

Last updated